Source code for shoop.xtheme.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Shoop.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Shoop Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the AGPLv3 license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from enumfields import Enum
from enumfields.fields import EnumIntegerField

from shoop.core.fields import TaggedJSONField

[docs]class SavedViewConfigQuerySet(models.QuerySet): # doccov: ignore
[docs] def appropriate(self, theme, view_name, draft): """ Get an "appropriate" `SavedViewConfig` for the parameters given. When draft mode is off: * A PUBLIC SavedViewConfig is returned, or a new one in CURRENT_DRAFT status. When draft mode is on: * A CURRENT_DRAFT SavedViewConfig is returned, if one exists. * If a PUBLIC SavedViewConfig exists, its data is copied into a new, unsaved CURRENT_DRAFT SavedViewConfig. :param theme: Theme instance :type theme: shoop.xtheme.Theme :param view_name: View name string :type view_name: str :param draft: Draft mode flag :type draft: bool :return: SavedViewConfig (possibly not saved) :rtype: SavedViewConfig """ svc_kwargs = dict( theme_identifier=theme.identifier, view_name=view_name ) svc_qs = SavedViewConfig.objects.filter(**svc_kwargs).order_by("-id") if draft: # In draft mode? Try loading drafts first model = svc_qs.filter(status=SavedViewConfigStatus.CURRENT_DRAFT).first() if not model: # No current draft? model = svc_qs.filter(status=SavedViewConfigStatus.PUBLIC).first() if model: # "Copy" last public version to new draft and continue = None model.status = SavedViewConfigStatus.CURRENT_DRAFT else: # Not in draft mode? Try loading a non-draft. model = svc_qs.filter(status=SavedViewConfigStatus.PUBLIC).first() if not model: # Nothing loaded? Put ourselves in draft mode. model = SavedViewConfig(status=SavedViewConfigStatus.CURRENT_DRAFT, **svc_kwargs) return model
[docs]class SavedViewConfigStatus(Enum): """ Stati for SavedViewConfigs. The lifecycle for SavedViewConfigs (SVCs) for a given (theme, view) pair is as follows: * Initially, there's zero SVCs. * When a placeholder layout is saved in edit mode, an SVC in the CURRENT_DRAFT status is saved. * When an SVC in CURRENT_DRAFT status is published, all other SVCs for the theme/view pair are "demoted" to being OLD_VERSIONs and the CURRENT_DRAFT SVC is promoted to being the PUBLIC one (and there should always be zero or one PUBLIC SavedViewConfigs per (theme, view) pair). * When an SVC in CURRENT_DRAFT status is reverted, it is simply deleted. * When an SVC has been published and edit mode is entered again, the current PUBLIC SVC is copied into a new CURRENT_DRAFT version. """ CURRENT_DRAFT = 1 OLD_VERSION = 2 PUBLIC = 3
[docs]class SavedViewConfig(models.Model): theme_identifier = models.CharField(max_length=64, db_index=True, verbose_name=_("theme identifier")) view_name = models.CharField(max_length=64, db_index=True, verbose_name=_("view name")) created_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name=_("created on")) status = EnumIntegerField(SavedViewConfigStatus, db_index=True, verbose_name=_("status")) _data = TaggedJSONField(db_column="data", default=dict, verbose_name=_("internal data")) objects = SavedViewConfigQuerySet.as_manager() @property def draft(self): return self.status == SavedViewConfigStatus.CURRENT_DRAFT
[docs] def publish(self): if not self.draft: raise ValueError("Unable to publish a non-draft view configuration") self.__class__.objects.filter( theme_identifier=self.theme_identifier, view_name=self.view_name ).update(status=SavedViewConfigStatus.OLD_VERSION) self.status = SavedViewConfigStatus.PUBLIC
[docs] def revert(self): if not self.draft: raise ValueError("Unable to revert a non-draft view configuration") if self.delete()
[docs] def set_layout_data(self, placeholder_name, layout): if not layout: # pragma: no cover return None if not self.draft: raise ValueError("Unable to save things in non-draft mode!") if hasattr(layout, "serialize"): layout = layout.serialize() assert isinstance(layout, dict) self._data.setdefault("layouts", {})[placeholder_name] = layout
[docs] def get_layout_data(self, placeholder_name): return self._data.get("layouts", {}).get(placeholder_name)
[docs] def clear_layout_data(self, placeholder_name): if not self.draft: raise ValueError("Unable to save things in non-draft mode!") self._data.setdefault("layouts", {}).pop(placeholder_name, None)
[docs]class ThemeSettings(models.Model): theme_identifier = models.CharField(max_length=64, db_index=True, unique=True, verbose_name=_("theme identifier")) active = models.BooleanField(db_index=True, default=False, verbose_name=_("active")) data = TaggedJSONField(db_column="data", default=dict, verbose_name=_("data"))
[docs] def activate(self): self.__class__.objects.all().update(active=False) = True
[docs] def get_setting(self, key, default=None): return"settings", {}).get(key, default)
[docs] def get_settings(self): return"settings", {}).copy()
[docs] def update_settings(self, update_values):"settings", {}).update(update_values)
def __str__(self): return _("Theme configuration for %s") % self.theme_identifier