Shoop 3.0.0 Release Notes ========================= Released on 2016-01-21 11:15 +0200. Here's a few highlights of new features, improvements and fixes in Shoop 3.0.0 since 2.0.0. For complete list of changes see :doc:`../changelog` or `Git commit log `__. There's also update instructions for :ref:`updating from 2.0 `. New Features ------------ * Creating orders from the Admin * Localization - Provide tools for collecting and compiling translated messages. - Add language chooser to Classic Gray theme. - Implement JavaScript translations. - Xtheme plugins are now translatable. - More messages have been marked for translation. - Included translations: English, Finnish, Chinese and Japanese. Improvements ------------ * Allow addons to inject resources to Xtheme templates * Enable email login and password recovery with username * Show product media at order history and product detail pages * Show Shoop version number in Admin * Xtheme editor improvements * Tax system improvements - Document the tax system (see :doc:`../prices_and_taxes`) - Implement override groups for Default Tax - Clean-up internal tax/price related APIs * And many more Fixes ----- * Xtheme: Don't crash when trying to revert unsaved configuration * Default Tax: Fix calculation of added and compounded taxes * And many more Miscellaneous ------------- * Test are now ran also on `Travis `__ * Python package dependencies are updated and not so strict anymore * Node package dependencies are locked down with npm-shrinkwrap .. _updating-from-2-to-3: Updating from 2.0 ----------------- Shoop 3.0 introduces some API changes which could affect projects or addons based on Shoop 2.0. Here is a list of the API changes and instructions how to update your code. * `Priceful.total_price` has been removed. This affects e.g. `OrderLine`, `BasketLine` and `PriceInfo` objects. - Use `Priceful.price` instead. * `PriceTaxContext` is removed. - You should not need it. Use `PricingContext` or `TaxingContext` where appropriate. * Default Theme is removed. - It is available as a separate package from * `Address` is split to `MutableAddress` and `ImmutableAddress`. `Address` is converted to abstract base class. - Database changes should be handled by migrations. - Usually usages of `Address` should be converted to `MutableAddress`, but they should be converted to immutable with `Address.to_immutable` for e.g. `Order` addresses. * Submodules of `shoop.core.pricing` are now private. - Use the API exposed by the `shoop.core.pricing` module's ````. E.g. use `shoop.core.pricing.PriceInfo` instead of `shoop.core.pricing.price_info.PriceInfo`. * Submodules of `shoop.core.order_creator` are now private. - Use the API exposed by the module's ````. * `shoop.core.utils.reference` is removed. * Some submodules of `shoop.xtheme` are now private. - Use symbols directly from `shoop.xtheme`, e.g. `shoop.xtheme.Theme` instead of `shoop.xtheme.theme.Theme` or `shoop.xtheme.TemplatedPlugin` instead of `shoop.xtheme.plugins.TemplatedPlugin`. * Submodules of `shoop.core.models` are now private. - Use the models or enums directly from the main package. * `shoop.core.models.product_variation` is removed. - Relevant functions are now available as `Product` methods.