shoop.core.pricing package


shoop.core.pricing.default_pricing module

class shoop.core.pricing.default_pricing.DefaultPricingContext(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: shoop.core.pricing.PricingContext

shop = None
class shoop.core.pricing.default_pricing.DefaultPricingModule[source]

Bases: shoop.core.pricing.PricingModule

identifier = 'default_pricing'
name = <django.utils.functional.lazy.<locals>.__proxy__ object>

alias of DefaultPricingContext


Inject shop into pricing context.

Shop information is used to find correct ShopProduct in self.get_price_info

get_price_info(context, product, quantity=1)[source]

Return a PriceInfo calculated from ShopProduct.default_price

Since ShopProduct.default_price can be None it will be set to zero (0) if None.

Module contents

Shoop modular product pricing functionality.

The pricing module in use is declared by the SHOOP_PRICING_MODULE setting. The default is a pricing module that always prices everything to be free. The base distribution contains shoop.simple_pricing, which is an useful pricing module for many cases.

To acquire an instance of the current pricing module, use get_pricing_module.

In brief, a pricing module is able to price a product based on a context; what exactly a context contains is determined by the module in question. You can construct a context from a request by calling the module’s get_context_from_request method, or for more advanced uses, when you do not have access to an HTTP request, get_context_from_data.

After you have acquired the module and a context, you can calculate prices for a product with the module’s get_price_info method. (Product objects contain the convenience methods get_price_info, get_price, and get_base_price which do these steps for you.)

If you have multiple products, it will likely be more efficient – depending on the implementation of the module – to use the get_price_infos method.

TODO: document the concepts of base price and the pricing steps API. TODO: caching.

class shoop.core.pricing.Price


Money amount with taxful/taxless info.

Taxful and taxless prices cannot be mixed in comparison or in calculations, i.e. operations like x < y or x + y for two Prices x and y with x.includes_tax != y.includes_tax will raise an UnitMixupError.

In addition to includes_tax info, Prices are Money and know their value and currency. To get the bare Money amount of a Price, use the amount property.


Money amount of this price.

Return type:Money
classmethod from_data(value, currency, includes_tax=None)[source]
includes_tax = None
class shoop.core.pricing.Priceful

Bases: object

Mixin to define price properties based on other price properties.

You must provide at least

and both

  • base_unit_price (Price) and
  • discount_amount (Price)

or both

You may also provide

to get various tax related properties.

Provided base_unit_price, discount_amount, price, base_price, and tax_amount must have compatible units (i.e. same taxness and currency).

  • price = base_unit_price * quantity - discount_amount
  • discount_amount = base_price - price
  • discount_rate = 1 - (price / base_price)
  • discount_percentage = 100 * discount_rate
  • unit_discount_amount = discount_amount / quantity
  • taxful_price = taxless_price + tax_amount
  • tax_rate = (taxful_price.amount / taxless_price.amount) - 1
  • tax_percentage = 100 * tax_rate

Total price for the specified quantity excluding discount.

Return type:shoop.core.pricing.Price

Undiscounted unit price.

Note: If quantity is 0, will return base_price.

Return type:shoop.core.pricing.Price

Amount of discount for the total quantity.

Return type:shoop.core.pricing.Price

Discount percentage, 100 meaning totally discounted.

See discount_rate.

Return type:decimal.Decimal

Discount rate, 1 meaning totally discounted.

Note: Could be negative, when base price is smaller than effective price. Could also be greater than 1, when effective price is negative.

If base price is 0, will return 0.

Return type:decimal.Decimal

Unit price with discount.

If quantity is 0, will return base_unit_price - discount_amount.

Return type:shoop.core.pricing.Price

Check if there is a discount in effect.

Returns:True, iff price < base price.

Total price for the specified quantity with discount.

Return type:shoop.core.pricing.Price
Return type:decimal.Decimal
Return type:decimal.Decimal

Taxful base_price


Taxful base_unit_price


Taxful discount_amount


Taxful discounted_unit_price

Return type:TaxfulPrice

Taxful unit_discount_amount


Taxless base_price


Taxless base_unit_price


Taxless discount_amount


Taxless discounted_unit_price

Return type:TaxlessPrice

Taxless unit_discount_amount


Discount amount per unit.

If quantity is 0, will return discount_amount.

Return type:shoop.core.pricing.Price
class shoop.core.pricing.PriceInfo(price, base_price, quantity, expires_on=None)

Bases: shoop.core.pricing.Priceful

Object for passing around pricing data of an item.

Initialize PriceInfo with prices and other parameters.

Prices can be taxful or taxless, but their types must match.

  • price (Price) – Effective price for the specified quantity.
  • base_price (Price) – Base price for the specified quantity. Discounts are calculated based on this.
  • quantity (numbers.Number) – Quantity that the given price is for. Unit price is calculated by discounted_unit_price = price / quantity. Note: Quantity could be non-integral (i.e. decimal).
  • expires_on (numbers.Number|None) – Timestamp, comparable to values returned by time.time, determining the point in time when the prices are no longer valid, or None if no expire time is set (which could mean indefinitely, but in reality, it just means undefined).
base_price = None
price = None
quantity = None
class shoop.core.pricing.PricingContext(**kwargs)

Bases: shoop.core.pricing.PricingContextable

Context for pricing.

class shoop.core.pricing.PricingContextable

Bases: object

Object that is or can be converted to a pricing context.

Currently there exists two kind of PricingContextable objects: PricingContext`(and its subclasses) and `HttpRequest.


Expression isinstance(request, PricingContextable) will return True for a request which is HttpRequest, because HttpRequest is registered as a subclass of this abstract base class.

This abstract base class is just a helper to allow writing simpler type specifiers, since we want to allow passing HttpRequest as a pricing context even though it is not a PricingContext.

class shoop.core.pricing.PricingModule

Bases: object


Create pricing context from pricing contextable object.

Return type:PricingContext

Create pricing context from keyword arguments.

Return type:PricingContext

Create pricing context from HTTP request.

This base class implementation does not use request at all.

Return type:PricingContext
get_price_info(context, product, quantity=1)[source]

Get price info of product for given quantity.

Parameters:product (shoop.core.models.Product|int) – Product object or id of Product
Return type:PriceInfo
get_price_infos(context, products, quantity=1)[source]

Get PriceInfo objects for a bunch of products.

Returns a dict with product id as key and PriceInfo as value.

May be faster than doing get_price_info for each product separately, since inheriting class may override this.

Parameters:products (Iterable[shoop.core.models.Product|int]) – List of product objects or id’s
Return type:dict[int,PriceInfo]
get_pricing_steps(context, product)[source]

Get context-specific list pricing steps for the given product.

Returns a list of PriceInfos [pi0, pi1, pi2, ...] where each PriceInfo object is at the border unit price change: unit price for 0 <= quantity < pi1.quantity1 is pi0.discounted_unit_price, and unit price for pi1.quantity <= quantity < pi2.quantity is pi1.discounted_unit_price, and so on.

If there are “no steps”, the return value will be a list of single PriceInfo object with the constant price, i.e. [price_info].

Parameters:product (shoop.core.models.Product|int) – Product or product id
Return type:list[PriceInfo]
get_pricing_steps_for_products(context, products)[source]

Get pricing steps for a bunch of products.

Returns a dict with product id as key and step data (as list of PriceInfos) as values.

May be faster than doing get_pricing_steps for each product separately, since inheriting class may override this.

Parameters:products (Iterable[shoop.core.models.Product|int]) – List of product objects or id’s
Return type:dict[int,list[PriceInfo]]
identifier = None
name = None

alias of PricingContext

class shoop.core.pricing.TaxfulPrice

Bases: shoop.core.pricing.Price

Price which includes taxes.

Check the base class, Price, for more info.

includes_tax = True
class shoop.core.pricing.TaxlessPrice

Bases: shoop.core.pricing.Price

Price which does not include taxes.

Check the base class, Price, for more info.

includes_tax = False
Return type:shoop.core.pricing.PricingModule