shoop.front package



shoop.front.admin_module module

shoop.front.admin_module.get_unfinalized_basket_block(currency, days=14)[source]
class shoop.front.admin_module.BasketAdminModule(currency=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: shoop.admin.currencybound.CurrencyBound, shoop.admin.base.AdminModule


shoop.front.error_handling module

shoop.front.error_handling.make_error_view(status, template_name=None)[source]

Install custom error handlers.

Error handlers to be added are for errors 400, 403, 404, and 500.

Error handlers will be injected only if: * settings.SHOOP_FRONT_INSTALL_ERROR_HANDLERS is True * settings.ROOT_URLCONF doesn’t already contain the handler

shoop.front.middleware module


alias of ExceptionMiddleware

class shoop.front.middleware.ShoopFrontMiddleware[source]

Bases: object

Handle Shoop specific tasks for each request and response.

  • Set request attributes that rest of the Shoop front-end rely on.

  • Set Django’s timezone according to personal preferences (i.e. request.person.timezone).


    Fallback to shop timezone?

  • Make sure that basket is saved before response is returned to the browser.

Attributes set for requests: : shoop.core.models.Shop

Currently active Shop.


Define better

request.person : shoop.core.models.Contact
PersonContact of currently logged in user or AnonymousContact if there is no logged in user.
request.customer : shoop.core.models.Contact
Customer contact used when creating Orders. This can be same as request.person, but for example in B2B shops this is usually a CompanyContact whereas request.person is a PersonContact.
request.basket : shoop.front.basket.objects.BaseBasket
Shopping basket in use.
process_response(request, response)[source]
classmethod refresh_on_user_change(request, user=None, **kwargs)[source]
classmethod refresh_on_logout(request, **kwargs)[source]
process_view(request, view_func, *view_args, **view_kwargs)[source]

shoop.front.notify_events module

class shoop.front.notify_events.OrderReceived(**variable_values)[source]

Bases: shoop.notify.base.Event

identifier = 'order_received'
bindings = {}
name = 'Order Received'
variables = {'language': <shoop.notify.base.Variable object at 0x7f15c282ba20>, 'customer_phone': <shoop.notify.base.Variable object at 0x7f15c282b5c0>, 'customer_email': <shoop.notify.base.Variable object at 0x7f15c309ae10>, 'order': <shoop.notify.base.Variable object at 0x7f15c309abe0>}
shoop.front.notify_events.send_order_received_notification(order, **kwargs)[source]

shoop.front.settings module

shoop.front.settings.SHOOP_BASKET_ORDER_CREATOR_SPEC = 'shoop.front.basket.order_creator:BasketOrderCreator'

Spec string for the class used for creating Order from a Basket.

This is the easiest way to customize the order creation process without having to override a single URL or touch the shoop.front code.

shoop.front.settings.SHOOP_BASKET_VIEW_SPEC = 'shoop.front.views.basket:DefaultBasketView'

Spec string for the Django CBV (or an API-compliant class) for the basket view.

This view deals with /basket/.

shoop.front.settings.SHOOP_BASKET_COMMAND_DISPATCHER_SPEC = 'shoop.front.basket.command_dispatcher:BasketCommandDispatcher'

Spec string for the command dispatcher used when products are added/deleted/etc. from the basket.

This view deals with commands POST``ed to ``/basket/.

shoop.front.settings.SHOOP_BASKET_UPDATE_METHODS_SPEC = 'shoop.front.basket.update_methods:BasketUpdateMethods'

Spec string for the update method dispatcher used when the basket is updated (usually on the basket page).

shoop.front.settings.SHOOP_BASKET_CLASS_SPEC = 'shoop.front.basket.objects:BaseBasket'

Spec string for the basket class used in the frontend.

This is used to customize the behavior of the basket for a given installation, for instance to modify prices of products based on certain conditions, etc.

shoop.front.settings.SHOOP_BASKET_STORAGE_CLASS_SPEC = ''

The spec string defining which basket storage class to use for the frontend.

Basket storages are responsible for persisting visitor basket state, whether in the database (DatabaseBasketStorage) or directly in the session (DirectSessionBasketStorage). Custom storage backends could use caches, flat files, etc. if required.

shoop.front.settings.SHOOP_CHECKOUT_VIEW_SPEC = 'shoop.front.views.checkout:DefaultCheckoutView'

Spec string for the Django CBV (or an API-compliant class) for the checkout view.

This is used to customize the behavior of the checkout process; most likely to switch in a view with a different phase_specs.

shoop.front.settings.SHOOP_FRONT_INSTALL_ERROR_HANDLERS = True

Whether Shoop uses its own error handlers.

If this value is set to False django defaults are used or the ones specified in settings.ROOT_URLCONF file.

Setting this to True won’t override handlers specified in settings.ROOT_URLCONF.

Handled error cases are: 400, 403, 404, and 500

shoop.front.signals module

shoop.front.urls module

Module contents

class shoop.front.ShoopFrontAppConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: shoop.apps.AppConfig

name = 'shoop.front'
verbose_name = 'Shoop Frontend'
label = 'shoop_front'
provides = {'notify_event': ['shoop.front.notify_events:OrderReceived'], 'admin_module': ['shoop.front.admin_module.BasketAdminModule']}